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What are the eligibility requirements for CCR support?

Teams of three—made up of a community advocate, law enforcement officer, and prosecutor—from rural counties are encouraged to apply.

  • COMMUNITY ADVOCATE: Advocate based in a domestic violence services agency.
  • LAW ENFORCEMENT: May be from the Sheriff’s Office or any Police Department within your county
  • PROSECUTOR: Prosecutor from County or District Attorney’s Office

Each team application must include the above three individualsin order to be considered for ICCR. In addition, teams are welcome to include up to two additional criminal justice system stakeholders (ie. Probation, victim advocacy coordinator, dispatcher, judicial representative, etc.)

Applicants are required to secure the support of the head of their agency/department prior to submitting their application. We also ask that all applicants plan, in good faith, to be at their current agency through the duration of the ICCR year.

Click here for more eligibility details and to access the application.

How much does it cost to receive CCR support?

Nothing at all! There are NO fees associated with participation in ICCR’s yearly cohort.

How do we apply for CCR support?

Click here to learn more about eligibility and apply. We encourage teams to apply EARLY in the application cycle. Note that your application will not be considered complete until ALL team members have been identified and have submitted their portion of the application.

When will we know if we’ve been accepted?

Decisions for each year’s cohort will be make in December/January.

What are the responsibilities of ICCR fellows?

Fellows are expected to actively participate in ICCR activities for a full year, beginning in May, in addition to some pre-work requirements. The cohort year is flexible and built to accommodate a variety of schedules and workloads.

At a minimum, fellows should ensure they have the time and capacity to commit to the following:

  • Participate in a Community Needs Assessment between January-May before the ICCR year begins.
  • Attend the Conference on Crimes Against Women in Dallas, Texas in May (registration, travel, and lodging costs are covered by ICCR).
  • Attend two-hour monthly meetings with team members from June-May, actively working to create your Coordinated Community Response.
  • Complete an evaluative interview at the beginning and end of your ICCR year, and each year following in order to remain eligible for ongoing ICCR support.

What if we don’t have a domestic violence agency in our town?

Many rural counties are served by domestic violence agencies that are not within their own county limits. If you are not sure which domestic violence agency serves your county, please reach out to your state’s domestic violence coalition or you can email us at

Even if your county’s domestic violence agency is not within your county limits, they are still eligible to participate on your team. If you need assistance connecting with an advocate, please reach out to We are happy to help make connections!

What is the Best Practice Assessment (BPA)?

The Best Practice Assessment (BPA) is a structured review of several real domestic violence cases in your community that examines the impact of current policies and procedures on victims of domestic violence. The BPA serves as the backbone of the ICCR curriculum and sets this program apart from other, less extensive training programs. The BPA encourages each team to build on your county’s own unique strengths, rather than employing a “one size fits all” approach, to ensure that the resulting CCR is the best approach for each individual community.

Click here to learn more about how the BPA fits into the overall ICCR curriculum


Are trainings recorded?

  • All monthly webinars are recorded and available on our website under Past Webinars. Many webinar recordings will also be added to the Resource Library.
  • In-person trainings are not recorded, unless otherwise noted.

How much do trainings cost?

All ICCR trainings are free.

Is accreditation offered for all trainings?

Accreditation varies by each training. The training descriptions will always state which continuing education is available. The following types of accreditation are available for many ICCR trainings:

  • MCLE
  • LMFT
  • LPC
  • Social Work

How do I receive my continuing education credits?

  • A post-training evaluation is emailed to all attendees.
  • Upon completion of the evaluation, attendees will receive a training certificate with relevant course numbers for reporting.
  • Attendees are responsible for reporting their attendance to their individual reporting agencies. It is up to each individual reporting agency to accept eligible hours and report those hours. ICCR staff monitor each training for attendance accuracy in case of an audit.
  • If you have any issues submitting your hours, reach out to for assistance.

Where can I find provider numbers for reporting?

All provider numbers for ICCR trainings can be found in the bottom left corner of your training certificate. The number of maximum course hours are also located in the bottom left of your certificate for reporting. Attendees will receive their certificate after completing the post-training evaluation.

Please contact Lacy Hensley,, if you have any additional questions.